In the words of a popular novelist, Charles Dickens; “It is the best of times, it is the worst of times, it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness, it is the epoch of belief, it …
According to The International Bureau of Education, “a curriculum is a description of what, why, how and how well students should learn in a systematic and intentional way”. Pitching our tent on this definition we can see that a curriculum …
What are digital skills? The subject of digital skills is a topic that has been subject to varying interpretations about its definition and scope seeing that it is a relatively new concept. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and …
“School naa scam” is a popular slang used among Nigerian youths – implying that getting formal education is a practical waste of time that does not guarantee economic sustenance or wealth. Is Education really a scam? Or is School a …
This story contains within itself great wisdom and truths that has and can never be refuted.It is the story of an elephant – a hefty 6000 kilogrammes elephant, tied to a spot by a little chain tied around its ankle …
The last time, it was revealed to us that we should not be discouraged from success because everybody can be successful at the same time. It is not bad if everyone scores a 100% on a class test. It is …
You are welcome to another chapter of inspiration and elevation. We are moving forward and time awaits no one. I hereby urge you to strive hard to visit this website so as not to lag behind. You can make this …
In the previous post, we have defined success and explained what success is about. Moreover, we have to take a look into academic success so that we will not navigate away from our central theme – THE HIGHWAY OF ACADEMIC …
In human terms, success is not a series of steps that leads to a peak or an ultimate. Rather, success is a continuous effort that results in continuous victories. There is no stopping point in success, it is an unending …